Mesa Public Schools Bag Protocol

Hello Zaharis Families,

I hope you have had a wonderful weekend with your family. I can't believe we have started the third full week of school. Teachers have been very busy the last few weeks getting to know their students, building classroom communities, and teaching students the importance of a growth mindset to foster critical and creative thinkers.

Here are a few reminders to help you prepare for the upcoming weeks:

Superhero Day Spirit Day is this Friday, Aug. 25. Students may come dressed as their favorite superhero (real or fictional) or may dress in Zaharis spirit colors.

Zaharis Picture Day is next Tuesday, Aug. 29. Please use this link if you would like to volunteer to help on this day.

Curriculum Night is just around the corner on Aug. 31 from 5:00-6:30 pm. This is a parent-only event. Come and learn about the amazing things students are doing in their classrooms.

Schedule for the evening:

  • General session- meet in the gym-5:00 pm
  • First classroom session-5:15 pm
  • Second classroom session-5:50 pm

Please come early as our parking lot fills up quickly.

Use the Crosswalk

Please use the crosswalk when dropping off or picking up students from our main parking lot. It is important that we work together to keep our students safe at all times.

Clear Bag Protocol

Mesa Public Schools has adopted a clear bag protocol. When attending school-wide events such as carnival, band, orchestra, or choir concerts, Zaharis Idol, and Bedtime Stories Night please plan accordingly. If this protocol applies to any other events, you will be notified.

Approved Bags include:

  • Clear Plastic, vinyl, or PVC Bags-No larger than 12"x6"x12"
  • Small Clutch Bag- No larger than 4.5"x6.5 with or without a handle or strap
  • One-Gallon Clear Plastic Freezer Bag (Ziploc bag or similar)
  • Medical bags are permitted but subject to an inspection

See the picture above  for additional information on non-approved bags.

A special thanks to our parent community for the tremendous support we have received at the start of the school year!

Thank you,

Zaharis Staff